Mutual Respect
Caring and Responsible
Meeting the Needs of the Individual
Success for All

“A child who fails to reach a level of achievement in, for example, reading or spelling that is predicted on the basis of measured intelligence, chronological age or grade placement in the absence of exogenous factors,is often labelled as having a Specific Learning Difficulty or Dyslexic.”
(Pumphrey and Reason 1991)
Indicators (12 years +)
  • Still reading slowly and dysfluently with many inaccuracies
  • Misreads words, eg hysterical for historical
  • Poor reading accuracy
  • Word finding can be difficult
  • Difficulty following instructions
  • Experience serious spelling difficulties e.g. letter omissions, additions and transpositions
  • Handwriting and presentation of work can be poor
  • Poor planning and organisational skills
  • Avoids reading in class
Intervention Strategies
  • Use a multi- sensory teaching approach
  • Never expect a pupil to read aloud in class
  • Develop lists of subject vocabulary in a personal word book
  • Help pupils to use a dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopaedia
  • Give direct and explicit instructions
  • Games /ICT aids are very useful and motivational to reinforce learning
  • Be constructive and positive in order to maintain motivation
  • Use discrete cues to keep a pupil on task